Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Edison vs. Nikola

“Topsy” the elephant was publicly electrocuted on January 4, 1903. Topsy’s owners decided to put her down after the four ton elephant killed three handlers. A team of technicians flipped the switch that sent more than 6,000 volts of alternating current through Topsy. It was a victory for Nikola Tesla is his war with Thomas Edison about commercializing electric current.

Heard It in a Love Song

“For a whole year I used an excuse not to have to sing it…I didn't want to record that song. ... more

John Waite Talks "Missing You"

Musician John Waite speaks about his career and making it big with "Missing You."

Robots in Popular Entertainment

The world’s fascination with robots has been around since 1495 when it’s believed Leonardo ... more
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