Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Edison vs. Nikola

“Topsy” the elephant was publicly electrocuted on January 4, 1903. Topsy’s owners decided to put her down after the four ton elephant killed three handlers. A team of technicians flipped the switch that sent more than 6,000 volts of alternating current through Topsy. It was a victory for Nikola Tesla is his war with Thomas Edison about commercializing electric current.

Sounds of the Time with Richard Marx

"I wrote it in 15 minutes. The fastest song I ever wrote," said Richard Marx of his hit "Right ... more

Charles Lindbergh: The Ride of a Lifetime

Charles Lindbergh was born to become the high-flying international sensation that we know him ... more

Sue the Dinosaur Finds a New Home in Chicago

A decade after the discovery of the oldest, largest and most complete tyrannosaurus rex fossil ... more
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