Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Comic Strip Staples Arrive

Three comic book staples have one date in common: January 7. Two legends, Tarzan and Buck Rogers, sprung to life on the pages of American newspapers in 1929. Five years later, Flash Gordon joined the comic strips. The three had arrived and soon spread to every medium, from radio to movies and television.

Retrospectacle: Silly Putty

It bounces and it breaks. It stretches even when you think it can’t stretch any more! It’s ... more

Sounds of the Time: Scott Ian of Anthrax

"December of 1977, I saw Kiss at Madison Square Garden, and I can pretty safely say that I left ... more

America’s Oldest Magazine

With bylines from Jack London, Edgar Allen Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Kurt Vonnegut, and a ... more
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