Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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C.S. Lewis’ Spirituality

"I think human beings are deeply spiritual, and Lewis seems to give voice to this. He seems almost to give us a vocabulary for our own souls." Jerry Root, co-author of “The Surprising Imagination of C.S. Lewis” talks about Lewis’ life, what turned him against his faith and what eventually brought him back to Christianity.

Bill Remembers: Columbine

Bill Kurtis remembers the tragedy at Columbine High School and calls into question the reasons ... more

David Eisenhower & Julie Nixon Engagement

David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon announced their engagement on November 30, 1967. The grandson ... more

Echo-1 Communications Satellite

A reflective balloon called Echo-1 was launched into space August 12, 1960. It was the first ... more
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