Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Bill Remembers: World War II

"I am seeing the people inside the rail car. I'm seeing the pregnant women, I'm seeing the mothers holding babies. I'm seeing them begging for water. I'm seeing them tired. Nightmare.” As difficult as it is to recall such atrocious memories, Fritzie Fritzshall, like so many other Holocaust survivors, tells her story and tries to keep her memories alive in hopes that history never repeats itself.

Retrospectacle: Summer of Love

A tidal wave of young people with long hair and tie-dye clothing flocked to San Francisco in ... more

Sounds of the Times: Lee Greenwood discusses "God Bless the USA"

"Being raised on a farm taught me a lot of things: what it means to help your neighbor, it taught ... more

Echo-1 Communications Satellite

A reflective balloon called Echo-1 was launched into space August 12, 1960. It was the first ... more
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