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Eye on the World: The Rise of Walter Cronkite and the Evening News

These photos of Walter Cronkite will take you back to the golden age of news

Image: AP Photo

Walter Cronkite was a one-of-a-kind reporter. While he was a household name and even a bit of a celebrity in his own right, he was beloved for delivering the hardest-to-tell stories to homes across the country with an air of expertise and professionalism. With the 24-hour news cycle and internet, the idea of sitting down in front of the TV in the evening to find out about the day's events has faded from recent memory, but that doesn't mean we've forgotten about Walter Cronkite. These photos will take you right back to those days!

Before taking over as anchor for the CBS Evening News, Cronkite worked on the radio alongside PR executive Sandra Nemser. (1958)

AP Photo

Cronkite won the Television News Award this night and posed for a photo alongside Dean John Drewry, Charles Collingwood, Carol Burnett and Bennett Cerf. (1963)

AP Photo

Everyone needs a little touchup before going in front of the camera. (1963)

AP Photo

Cronkite speaks in his hometown of St. Joseph, Minnesota, and takes questions from the crowd. (1969)

AP Photo

It would only make sense that Croknite would guest star on an episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, since it takes place in Minnesota and in a newsroom! (1974)

AP Photo

Just a casual conversation with President Jimmy Carter. (1977)

AP Photo

Cronkite and women's rights leader Bella Abzug share a piece of cake at the US Magazine launch party. (1977)

AP Photo

Cronkite and Dan Rather talk before a press conference announcing that Rather will be succeeding Cronkite on the CBS Evening News. (1980)

AP Photo

Cronkite and his wife, Betsy hang out backstage of A Day in Hollywood, A Night in the Ukraine. (1980)

AP Photo

Cronkite waltzes with opera singer Beverly Sills at the New York State Theater. (1980)

AP Photo

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