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Dark Shadows 50th Anniversary

Listen: Dick Cavett interviews Jonathan Frid of 'Dark Shadows' in 1968

Top image: AP Photo / Bob Wands

On August 2, 1968, Jonathan Frid walked onto the set of The Dick Cavett Show wearing false fangs and a flashlight around his neck. The Dark Shadows star was in character as vampire Barnabas Collins for the chat show, which was then in its first year of existence. "I should like to introduce my next guest now, who is best seen in a dim light," Cavett announced. "Bite Dick Cavett!" the audience shouted.

For years, this interview was thought to have been lost. Here we present the rare audio recording of the full interview from that episode of The Dick Cavett Show (which also featured the pop group the Association), which has not been seen on television since it originally aired.

The interview covers a variety of topics including Frid’s thoughts on researching and playing the vampire Barnabas Collins, a memorable and chaotic press tour he took for publicity, fan mail influencing the show, and his rapport with actress and co-star Grayson Hall, who played Dr. Julia Hoffman. Press play and take a listen below.

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